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What's your greatest skin care challenge?
As women and a growing number of men of color, what's your greatest skin care challenge? Whether it's dark spots, uneven skin tone, dark circles,puffiness under your eyes or hair that won't grow, you'll find a product that can possibly become the solution to your challenge.
Moisturizers and ingredients that hydrate your skin will always be your best friend, for your face, body and hair. So look for products with nourishing and nurturing ingredients. Shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter and jojoba oils are a few of the ingredients to keep on your list.
We've got new additions to our store for you. Essential oils have been known to help calm and soothe skin and scalp irritations. Although you'll find a sample kit on the hair category page, you can use them for any of your skin and hair care needs.
The hair care sample kit has been given an upgrade. We've increased the size of the container on the shampoo and conditioners and added a hair butter sample to the mix.
Although there's beauty in your blackness, your skin is sensitive and needs protection from the sun just like everyone else. So if you know you're challenged by sunburn, add a few drops of Lavender essential oil to Jojoba and Grapeseed Oil and create a nice body oil for yourself. It will bring comfort and beauty back to your skin.
We're listening to you and your suggestions, so keep an eye on the category pages and your emails for updates.
Until next time ...
Dedicated To Your Beauty
3 Black Skin Care tips. Who amongst you doesn't want radiant and glowing skin? Especially these days. We all do. Yes, while we forge our way through a season, as in years, of a pandemic and all that comes with it, there are those of you that want to look beautiful.
Me included!
It's your attitude of: I will not go down without a fight. Masks are still mandated, therefore, we address the elephant in the room. That being, how to have radiant and glowing skin with a mask in tow.
Black Skin Care Tip #1: Have a Good Skin Care Regimen in Place.
A regimen is a way of doing a thing consistently for your betterment. Caring for Your skin is no exception. In order for your skin to exude radiance, it takes work.
You must keep your skin clean. A good cream-based cleanser will always work. It won’t be invasive or damage your skin.
Part of your product mix in your regimen is having a good exfoliant. Exfoliation is a way of removing dead skin cells. Ever wonder why your skin might appear gray and ashy?
One of the reasons is because you haven’t sloughed away the dead skin cell build up.
For your face, an exfoliant that contains jojoba wax beads is gentle, yet effective enough to remove dead skin cells without harm to your face.
For your body, a good salt/sugar scrub in Shea butter or an exfoliating glove will work in helping remove dead skin cell build up.
It's been years, yet I remember my first body scrub. It was at a Korean Spa, and when I tell you, that woman gently took off layers of dead skin cells. At first, I thought what I was seeing was herbs that she'd mixed up to exfoliate. Then I realized it was dead cells.
It was somewhat embarrassing. Then again, it was a relief to know that they had been removed.
Black Skin Care Tip #2: Nutrition for Your Skin. Beauty From the Inside Out
You are what you eat. Garbage in, garbage out. This cannot be said enough. It's a hard pill to swallow but when we consume the wrong foods, for most of us, it shows up on our skin and waist line.
There are a lot of you working off extra pounds since the pandemic arrived. Once again, Me included. I'm a snacker and taster a lot when I cook. And while this has always been true, I'd walk three to four times a week to ward off the weight. During the pandemic, habits changed for most of us in food choices and keeping the pounds at bay.
If you're anything like me, you're a salad person or you can eat a plate of green foods and be satisfied. Not during the pandemic. Tortilla chips became my friend. They were my go- to replacement for bread. I'd do veggie wraps and everything else with tortilla chips on the side.
My skin began to look spotty and uneven in appearance. Turns out, I'd developed an allergy to corn and wheat. Suffice it to say, Gluten is not my friend.
I never had a problem before now. Then again, I'm maturing and things are not the same when I eat certain foods.
If you're noticing the same things about your skin and body, it could be time to change what you eat. Not to mention the time of day you're eating it.
We all know that green foods: collards, broccoli, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, brussel sprouts and asparagus, to name a few, are good for us. Pair them with black rice, quinoa or brown rice and you've got the beginnings of a nutritious meal.
Citrus fruits, apples, dates and lots of berries are good antioxidants for your body.
When considering flesh of any kind, turn to salmon. Cows and chickens have been injected for years with hormones to fatten them up. Those hormones and your hormones don’t make for a great combination.
It's best if you can get your greens from a farmer, small gardener or grow your own.
One, if not, "The Item" to include in your food mix, is water. Did you know that water can help to cleanse your colon? The more you drink, the more your colon will get flushed of sludge that's been backed up and sitting there. When your colon is clean, the greater the chance for your skin to be clear.
That radiant glow that you desire for your skin actually begins in your colon. When it's backed up, your skin will give you signs. You'll see everything from discoloration to pimples. Some of you will even experience excess oil.
Black Skin Care Tip #3: Get Rest and Exercise
Get Your Beauty Rest! Yes, those afternoon naps not only refresh your body, they rest your skin as well. And when you get 8 hours of sleep, it really helps your skin. Your skin rejuvenates itself while you sleep. This gives your cells a chance to rebuild.
Unlike daytime hours, when your skin has to protect itself from the elements, at night the only thing it's protecting itself from is a nightmare.
Exercise helps your blood circulate throughout your body. Good blood flow feeds your cells, organs, muscles and every other part of you. Your skin benefits from good blood flow providing it with a radiant and beautiful glow.
Conclusion …
Here you have 3 natural black skin care tips to get you on your way to radiant and glowing skin. They're simple. All you have to do is take action.
That's it for this week. As always …
Dedicated to Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,