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What's your greatest skin care challenge?
As women and a growing number of men of color, what's your greatest skin care challenge? Whether it's dark spots, uneven skin tone, dark circles,puffiness under your eyes or hair that won't grow, you'll find a product that can possibly become the solution to your challenge.
Moisturizers and ingredients that hydrate your skin will always be your best friend, for your face, body and hair. So look for products with nourishing and nurturing ingredients. Shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter and jojoba oils are a few of the ingredients to keep on your list.
We've got new additions to our store for you. Essential oils have been known to help calm and soothe skin and scalp irritations. Although you'll find a sample kit on the hair category page, you can use them for any of your skin and hair care needs.
The hair care sample kit has been given an upgrade. We've increased the size of the container on the shampoo and conditioners and added a hair butter sample to the mix.
Although there's beauty in your blackness, your skin is sensitive and needs protection from the sun just like everyone else. So if you know you're challenged by sunburn, add a few drops of Lavender essential oil to Jojoba and Grapeseed Oil and create a nice body oil for yourself. It will bring comfort and beauty back to your skin.
We're listening to you and your suggestions, so keep an eye on the category pages and your emails for updates.
Until next time ...
Dedicated To Your Beauty
Gorgeous, flawless, beautiful black skin. Not a day goes by when we don't look in the mirror and "think" that something's not quite right with our face. It can be the simplest of things. A pimple or a dark spot can often tip the panic button.
For mature skin it can be the onslaught of gray facial hairs, on the chin in particular. If you're peri-menopausal you can start seeing black chin hairs.
In your twenties and thirties the possibility of puffy eyes, dark circles and that overwhelming appearance of being tired or looking tired. Yes you can get puffy eyes and dark circles and look tired just like the rest of us.
So when we say we want gorgeous, flawless, beautiful black skin, what does that mean to you?
Some of you would like to see no blemishes, a great even skin tone, no bags under the eyes, and an all around look of being well-rested.
Is this in the cards?
What's the answer to the question of having gorgeous, flawless, beautiful black skin?
It's not guaranteed that you won't see a bit of uneven skin tone. After all, no one comes here with perfect skin tone, not even babies.
The thing about Black Skin or highly melanated skin, is that it takes on different hues, even if you are darker than the midnight sky. The darkest of you can look like a beautiful piece of coal. Within this darkness, there are still variations of light in your melanin. This is what makes you so beautiful and unique.
Flawless is a matter of personal preference. Personal preference as in, no dark spots, no bumps, no flaking, no dryness, and a look and feel of having more moisture. These are all things that we attribute to the word flawless. When we don't see any of these things, we will deem our skin as being flawless. Hah!
1. Have a Skin Care Regimen. In this regimen you will do all three basic steps: you will cleanse your skin, you will use a toner, and you will moisturize your skin.
Your cleanser will work very well for your skin if it’s cream-based. The reason I say cream-based is because there will be no abrasives. Abrasives and detergent based cleansers can often rip your skin of its natural oils.
A toner will offer the ability to bring your skin's pH level back into balance. As such it preps your skin for your moisturizer.
Moisturizers can help prevent dryness, as well as protect your skin from the sun.
In addition to your basic skin care regimen, add exfoliation to the mix. Exfoliation will help with removing dead skin cells. They can often be the reason for dull, flaky, dry looking skin. They can also give your skin the appearance of having an uneven skin tone.
Nothing harsh, a product that has jojoba wax beads will help immensely with sloughing away dead skin cells.
2. A facial Steam will help to enhance the natural essence of your skin. A good facial steam will allow toxins to be removed by way of sweat. As you perspire or sweat, your face it's going to be releasing any buildup that's under your pores and nourishing and nurturing your skin at the same time. Facial steams can be done using herbs or essential oils.
3. Serums. Many serums are great for sensitive skin and black skin is the most sensitive skin on the planet. Serums are light on your skin. As far as the texture and weight are concerned, they definitely help to nourish and nurture your skin .
Serums are also formulated to aid in removing fine lines and wrinkles. That's why you see so many of them sold, talked about and pushed on you as you mature. Your skin loses moisture as you mature, so serums offer a way of inserting moisture especially when you have ingredients like hyaluronic acid in the formulation.
4. Exercise. Now some of you may be thinking what does exercise have to do with gorgeous, flawless, beautiful black skin? Whenever you exercise you raise your heartbeat. Whether it's walking daily at a brisk pace, salsa dancing on Thursday night, swimming every morning at 5 a.m. or cycling in the park with friends, you're raising your heart rate. When your heart rate is raised from activity it allows your blood to circulate and flow through your system. When your blood is flowing and circulating in your system, it’s feeding your cells, your organs, and every component within yourself as well as your skin.
Blood circulation is key to beautiful skin. As you pump your blood, you also start inducing a sweat and this is good for the full body. As you perspire you release toxic buildup through your skin and it helps to come out of your pores. This is why when you finish your work out, whatever you've chosen to do, and you shower or sit in the tub, you're releasing and removing all of the waste from your skin. This enhances the beauty of your skin.
Great sex is also a wonderful exercise for skin care. Why? Because there's passion and emotions, that all bring about energy being exchanged and released. This also raises your blood level. Who’d think a rump in the sheets could contribute to great looking skin.
5. A Good Night's Sleep. When you’re able to go to bed and experience a restful, relaxing, good night's sleep, your skin will benefit from this. Just as your body rests at night, your skin benefits from the same rest.
Nutrition. As a bonus, proper nutrition will go hand-in-hand with everything on this list. Your skin will benefit from what you consume. Water is an internal hydrator. Without it, your body can go into shock, your organs will stop functioning. So the water you drink and the foods that you eat and the water levels in the food, will all be beneficial to your skin health.
All of your berries are good for your skin. Cucumbers, celery, ginger, they're all good for your skin. Tomatoes, avocados, spinach, broccoli and kale, collard greens are all good for your skin. Some you will eat raw, some you will eat cooked and your skin will benefit from your choice and preference for preparation.
Get to know your system, your internal body system. You will always learn what you can digest based on what you eat. Your body doesn't lie to you. If certain foods are too rough on your system, you will know it.
If you eat foods that don’t agree with your system, your skin will tell you. Potato chips too oily or salty? Your skin will let you know. Eating meat with too many hormones? Your skin will let you know.
Nothing is guaranteed. Yet, when you do things that help your skin, your chances of gorgeous, flawless, beautiful black skin are more attainable. Give the suggestions a try and see how they work for you. Your skin will thank you for it.
New to the world of Black Skin Care? Looking for a way to get started on your journey to gorgeous, flawless beautiful Black Skin? You can always invest in a skin care sample kit..
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated to Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,