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What's your greatest skin care challenge?
As women and a growing number of men of color, what's your greatest skin care challenge? Whether it's dark spots, uneven skin tone, dark circles,puffiness under your eyes or hair that won't grow, you'll find a product that can possibly become the solution to your challenge.
Moisturizers and ingredients that hydrate your skin will always be your best friend, for your face, body and hair. So look for products with nourishing and nurturing ingredients. Shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter and jojoba oils are a few of the ingredients to keep on your list.
We've got new additions to our store for you. Essential oils have been known to help calm and soothe skin and scalp irritations. Although you'll find a sample kit on the hair category page, you can use them for any of your skin and hair care needs.
The hair care sample kit has been given an upgrade. We've increased the size of the container on the shampoo and conditioners and added a hair butter sample to the mix.
Although there's beauty in your blackness, your skin is sensitive and needs protection from the sun just like everyone else. So if you know you're challenged by sunburn, add a few drops of Lavender essential oil to Jojoba and Grapeseed Oil and create a nice body oil for yourself. It will bring comfort and beauty back to your skin.
We're listening to you and your suggestions, so keep an eye on the category pages and your emails for updates.
Until next time ...
Dedicated To Your Beauty
Washing your face is actually an effective way to prevent breakouts, irritation and blemishes. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll not want to wash your face with harsh products. They can leave your skin looking worse than it did when you started.
There is no agency like the FDA that regulates cosmetic companies. Hypoallergenic facial cleansing washes may. In fact, it may not be any gentle than other products, depending on what other compounds they include.
Most people are unaware of what ingredients actually make it into the best facial cleansing products. If you're looking for a product to get your skin clean while treating it gently, don't forget the importance of green tea as an antioxidant.
Cleansers like these aren't hard to find, once you know what you're looking for. Read the label on any cleansing product you buy, and the ingredients will tell you whether it will work or not.
Some of the products that may affect your skin adversely include alcohols, dimethicone, nitrosamines, dioxanes and mineral oil. Cheaply-made, synthetic chemicals form the base of many cosmetic products, but they are not a suitable cleanser for black skin.
Pleasant smelling, creamy products in decorative bottles may make you think you're getting more for your money, but read the label to be sure.