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What's your greatest skin care challenge?
As women and a growing number of men of color, what's your greatest skin care challenge? Whether it's dark spots, uneven skin tone, dark circles,puffiness under your eyes or hair that won't grow, you'll find a product that can possibly become the solution to your challenge.
Moisturizers and ingredients that hydrate your skin will always be your best friend, for your face, body and hair. So look for products with nourishing and nurturing ingredients. Shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter and jojoba oils are a few of the ingredients to keep on your list.
We've got new additions to our store for you. Essential oils have been known to help calm and soothe skin and scalp irritations. Although you'll find a sample kit on the hair category page, you can use them for any of your skin and hair care needs.
The hair care sample kit has been given an upgrade. We've increased the size of the container on the shampoo and conditioners and added a hair butter sample to the mix.
Although there's beauty in your blackness, your skin is sensitive and needs protection from the sun just like everyone else. So if you know you're challenged by sunburn, add a few drops of Lavender essential oil to Jojoba and Grapeseed Oil and create a nice body oil for yourself. It will bring comfort and beauty back to your skin.
We're listening to you and your suggestions, so keep an eye on the category pages and your emails for updates.
Until next time ...
Dedicated To Your Beauty
3 Awesome Ways to Use Aromatherapy For Wellness
Aromatherapy. You've known about it for years. You've smelled a few candles and after sniffing, you've asked … what's that scent? Oh yeah, Lavender. Over the years you've gotten a bit more interested in other aromatic blends.
What you've found is that there are scents that have you feeling relaxed and calm. Then there are others that have you feeing uplifted and happy. Where does aromatherapy fit in with wellness.
One way of defining aromatherapy is that it's scent therapy. It's the use of smell in a therapeutic manner helping to restore balance to your body. Awesome.
Essential Oils Used in Wellness Care
There's no aromatherapy without essential oils. Aromatherapy uses the essence of plants. They're known to encourage healing and vitality to your body. You'll find that each essential oil has a unique healing property and aroma associated with it.
You'll also find that essential oils are used in everything from perfumes, to massage oils, to herbal medicines. One of the things to remember about essential oils, is that they are 100 times more powerful than the whole plant. Which means, you must dilute them in a carrier oil before using. Carrier oils help move the oils into your bloodstream. They also act as a stabilizing agent for the essential oils.
Carrier oils are vegetable or plant oils. You know them as jojoba oil (ho-ho-ba), sweet almond oil, olive oil and grapeseed oil, just to name a few.
Some of the most common essential oils and their benefits used in wellness are:
Lemon - It's known to energize, stimulate, clarify and invigorate.
Lavender - Known for calming, relaxation, decreasing anxiety and helping you sleep.
Peppermint - Helps decrease mental fatigue, ease motion sickness and nausea, relieve tension, ease pain and bring balance to a room.
Bergamot is said to ease pain and energize. It uplifts your spirit and helps with depression and anxiety.
Orange helps in combating unpleasant odors. It purifies and energizes a room or environment.
Roman Chamomile helps with pain relief. It can decrease irritability and stress, balance tension and mood swings and relax your nervous system. Go Figure!
3 Ways To Use Aromatherapy for Wellness
1. Massage therapy is an excellent way to use aromatherapy for wellness. Since the quickest way to get oils into your body are through your feet and hands, this makes sense.
The massage therapist will choose an essential oil based on the challenge you the client, is having. As your body is massaged, you will experience the aroma of the oils. The heat generated from the circulation of your blood causes the aroma to rise from your skin.
Often times a candle will be lit to enhance the calmness and set the mood in the room.
2. A Bath - Yes bathing, in addition to massage therapy, can be used as aromatherapy for wellness. What better way to aid in your recovery than to immerse yourself into a tub of hot water. Adding salts or essential oils to your tub? There's way to do it.
Salts can be added as the water is running, allowing them to mix thoroughly and become one with the water. This is good if you're using salts alone to relieve soreness or tired muscles.
On the other hand, if you're adding essential oils for the aromatic and therapeutic experience, create a salt blend that includes them.
Recipe for Bath
Here's a recipe for an aromatherapy bath to consider:
Place your Epsom salts in a dry, sterile glass jar. Stir thoroughly after you add each essential oil. This helps to evenly distribute the oils throughout the salts.
Fold the lavender flowers into the salts until well distributed.
Store in your glass container with a tightly closed lid. Make sure the lid isn’t metal.
You’ll notice pine suggested in this recipe. It’s known to help with anxiety and stress.
3. Diffusing essential oils as a form of aromatherapy is used to disperse them throughout a room. This has been known to help with your overall well-being.
As the essential oils are being dispersed using a diffuser, they can:
Although there are several to consider, look for the Ultrasonic or Nebulizer types, when searching for a diffuser. The Ultrasonic is the most popular for aromatherapy. It uses water and adds humidity to your environment. It is not a good choice if you're looking to clear away mold. Mold feeds on moisture.
The Nebulizer needs no water. It uses pressurized air streams from specially designed jet nozzles causing the breakdown of essential oils into very tiny particles.
Time to Get Started …
Use this information as a starting point. Don't take my word for it. Do your own research. Prevention is key to your health and wellness. We can ward off a lot of things just by taking action in the right direction.
That's it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty
Juliette Samuel,